Meet Ali

A skilled designer with a passion for helping businesses grow. 🚀

I use creativity and strategic thinking to solve design problems and have a proven track record of success. I'm also well-versed in technology and enthusiastic about the Crypto and AI world. Let's build your success together! 💎📈

What do I love & excel at?


My Design Process

As a product designer, I follow a rigorous process to create innovative solutions for design problems. I employ the Double Diamond methodology, a well-known design thinking framework that consists of four distinct stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver.


1-Discover: In this stage, I focus on gathering information and exploring the problem space. I engage in research activities such as user interviews, surveys, and market analysis to gain a deep understanding of my users' needs and the overall context of the problem.

2-Define: The Define stage involves synthesizing the information I've gathered in the Discover stage to define the problem and its requirements. This stage helps me narrow my focus to creating a clear problem statement that guides my design process.

3-Develop: In the Develop stage, I use the insights from the previous stages to generate multiple ideas and solutions. This is where the creative magic happens, and I explore multiple possibilities and ideate without constraints. I use brainstorming, sketching, and prototyping to develop and refine my ideas. The goal is to generate a wide range of potential solutions and to select the most promising ones to move forward.

4-Deliver: The final stage, involves turning the chosen solution into a tangible product. I create detailed specifications and create high-fidelity prototypes for user testing and validation. This stage also involves collaborating with developers and other stakeholders to ensure that the final product meets user needs and business requirements. My goal is to create a product that is functional, visually appealing, and meets the needs of the target users.

Hear from people that worked with me


My Design Stack

Hard Skills
- User research
- User interface
- Information Architecture
- Interaction design
- User journey mapping
- Wireframing
- UX writing
- Prototyping
- User testing
- Accessibility
- Motion design
- Micro-interactions
- Graphic design
- Illustrations
- Analytics
- CSS / CSS3

Soft Skills
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Design thinking
- Critical thinking
- Empathy
- Curiosity
- Innovation
- Giving/accepting feedback
- Creativity
- Project management
- Time management
- Strategy
- Storytelling
- Prioritization
- Problem-solving
- Presentation
- Teamwork
- Planning

- Miro
- Figma / Adobe XD / Sketch
- ProtoPie
- Framer
- Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator
- Adobe After Effects
- Zeplin
- Asana /Jira / Notion / Monday
- Google Analytics / Mixpanel
- ChatGPT / Notion AI
- Pen and paper

🏆 Recent achievements
I proudly represent the Top 3% of Upwork’s freelance workforce


What Sparked My Tech & Design Journey?

Get to Know Me More

I like to do many different things in my free time that make me feel good both physically and mentally. These activities include working out, fishing, attending tech meetups, and enjoying music and culture. I always enjoy the time I spend doing these things.
