Case study

Revolutio-nizing Car care industry: Dubai's AI-Powered App for Seamless car wash and Maintenance

Keno: Revolutionizing the Car Care Industry with Technology

Sep 2022 - Now

My role
Design system

UX/UI Design
Interaction design
Visual & Motion design


Clean Cars, Clean Technology: How Keno's Dry Wash and AI Solutions are Transforming the Industry

Keno is a car care company based in Dubai that was founded in 2016. It initially gained recognition for introducing dry wash technology in Dubai, which was a significant step towards conserving water resources in a region where water scarcity is a critical issue.

In addition to the dry wash technology, Keno has also introduced an AI-powered solution for car care businesses known as "FranSaaS." This innovative platform combines the power of franchising and software as a service (SaaS) to offer a comprehensive solution for car care business owners.

02 | Role & Deliverables
I led the design of the AI solutions, from strategy to final shipping. I created wireframes, prototypes, and visual designs that were user-friendly and intuitive. I also developed motion graphics to explain Keno's solutions and collaborated closely with the development team. My contribution played a critical role in Keno's success and helped establish the company as a leader in the car care industry powered by AI.

03 | Challenges
One of my primary challenges in working with Keno was to strike a balance between their established branding and the need for a modern and innovative design to showcase their AI-powered solutions.

04 | Outcome & Impact
The outcome of my work with Keno was a modern and innovative design that successfully integrated their branding with the latest design trends to showcase their AI-powered solutions. The feedback from both the Keno team and customers has been overwhelmingly positive, validating our approach and demonstrating the impact of good design on business success.


new franchises


Lead conversion


New locations worldwide


During the ideation phase, I worked closely with the CEO, project manager, and the dev team, to identify the new goals for the design of the new AI solution.

We then brainstormed ideas, and evaluated and prioritized them based on feasibility, impact on the user experience, and alignment with Keno's branding and business objectives. I then developed wireframes and prototypes to test, redefine and finalize the design.

Throughout the process, we ensured that the final design met Keno's branding requirements and provided a modern touch to their AI solutions, resulting in a successful redesign that received positive feedback from customers.


Keno landing page - 2022

Building a coherent system

I recognized the importance of consistency and efficiency in design, so I started with a micro-design system for Keno. This system consisted of a set of reusable components that were designed to be flexible, efficient, and easy to use.

I collaborated with the development team to ensure that the components were optimized for performance and that they could be easily integrated into the existing codebase.


Keno micro design system

3 major takeaways

01. Pioneering the Future of Car Care with AI
02. The bridge connecting different apps in the Keno ecosystem
03. How Keno's FranSaaS Program is Expanding their Presence Across the Globe


Pioneering the Future of Car Care with AI

Keno leverages AI and machine learning algorithms to provide efficient and convenient car care services. By analyzing data, Keno identifies potential customer locations and automatically dispatches nearby service providers, known as "Keno ninjas," to ensure timely and reliable service. Additionally, Keno utilizes dry wash technology as a sustainable alternative to traditional car washing, reducing water usage and environmental impact.
By understanding the user's needs and the technology and the business model, I created a seamless experience for Keno. Through the design of intuitive interfaces, clean and modern visual designs, and effective communication through motion graphics and prototypes, franchises were able to quickly and easily understand the features and benefits of Keno's AI technology.


The bridge connecting different apps in the Keno ecosystem

Keno's ecosystem includes three levels: the customer app, the Ninja app for service providers, and a panel for the Keno operations team. One of the key challenges was to seamlessly connect and integrate these different apps to provide a smooth and hassle-free experience for all users.

As a product designer, I worked on designing a bridge that could connect these three levels. I focused on creating a unified design language and experience across all apps, ensuring that each app was visually consistent and easy to use.

This bridge allowed for automatic dispatching of the nearest Ninja to a customer location, improving efficiency and reducing wait times. The panel was also updated to enable automatic dispatching and route optimization, reducing the need for manual intervention.



How Keno's FranSaaS Program is Expanding its Presence Across the Globe

The design played a key role in helping Keno with its FranSaaS program. By adopting a user-centered design approach, I was able to create a solution that is both visually appealing and easy to navigate, making it more attractive to potential franchisees.

I aligned Keno's brand values and messaging to maintain trust with potential franchisees, ultimately contributing to the success of the FranSaaS program and the expansion of Keno's presence globally.

3-NEW-NEW - Prototype 

*Reduce volume, loud sound! 🔊

Keno landing page - Responsive version

Live versions