Case study

Boosting Sales with Alternative Payments: The Goubba Partner Solution

Goubba - Fintech startup

Sep 2021 - Now

My role
Product management
Strategy & Research
Design system
UX/UI Design
Interaction design
Visual design


Simplifying Payment Processing and Boosting Sales

Goubba Partner is a web application and mobile app that was launched in 2021 to help merchants simplify their payment processing and offer an alternative payment method to their customers. The platform allows merchants to receive payments from customers via gift cards and QR code scans, making transactions faster and more convenient for both parties.

In addition to payment processing, Goubba Partner provides merchants with tools to manage their stores and brands, as well as their advertising plans. The platform also offers monthly sales and reports, allowing merchants to track their performance and make informed decisions about their businesses.

02 | Role & Deliverables
I gathered data and insights from the market and users and used them to ideate and sketch. From there, i created wireframes and prototypes and provided analytics insights. The result was a user-friendly platform that simplified payment processing for merchants and boosted their sales. The design process was instrumental in making Goubba Partner successful, and I'm proud to have played a key role in it.

03 | Challenges
One potential design challenge for Goubba Partner is ensuring that the platform is accessible and easy to use for a diverse range of merchants. Another challenge was creating a platform that balances simplicity and functionality.

04 | Outcome & Impact

By using the Goubba partner, merchants open up new sales streams and reach a wider customer base through the use of gift cards. The platform also enables merchants to manage their stores and brands more efficiently, as well as access monthly sales reports and analytics to help them make better business decisions.

Furthermore, 50% of Merchants participate in the Goubba ads program, which helped them to promote their products and reach even more potential customers. This program provides merchants with a new purchasing force through Goubba users, with an increased rate of 30%.




using Goubba ADS


increase in sales


During the ideation phase of Goubba Partner, I met with key stakeholders to design the web app. This involved gathering insights and feedback from merchants and other industry experts to inform the platform's design and features. By engaging with these stakeholders, I was able to ensure that Goubba Partner met the needs of its target audience and provided a valuable solution to merchants looking to simplify payment processing and increase sales.


Merchant ads placements 

Building the system

I prepared a design system for Goubba Partner, which provided a cohesive visual language and design guidelines for the platform. This allowed for a consistent and user-friendly experience for merchants using Goubba Partner, as well as streamlined the design process for future updates and improvements.


Goubba Partner component system

3 challenges with Big takeaways

01. A centralized system with 3 levels
02. All-in-One Ad Manager for Merchants
03. Speed and simplicity are the way to go


A centralized system with 3 levels

The system consists of three levels: admin, superstore, and store. These levels are interconnected, allowing for the seamless management of multiple stores.

The admin-level is the highest level of access, with the ability to manage multiple super stores and stores. The superstore level allows for the management of multiple stores under a single brand. The store level provides access to manage a single store, including accepting payments and managing products.



All-in-One Ad Manager for Merchants

The ads manager in Goubba Partner is a powerful tool that allows merchants to easily create and manage their advertising campaigns. With just a few clicks, merchants can upload their ad visuals and target their desired audience. The user-friendly interface makes it easy for even non-technical users to create effective ad campaigns that drive traffic and boost sales.

By using Goubba Partner's ads manager, merchants can tap into a vast pool of potential customers. The app has millions of users, which means that merchants can reach a massive audience with their ads. Plus, Goubba Partner's reward-based payment system encourages customers to make purchases, which means that merchants are more likely to see a return on their advertising investment.



Speed and simplicity
are the way to go

Speed and simplicity are two critical factors that can make or break the success of any digital product. In the case of Goubba Partner, the team placed a strong emphasis on designing a platform that was both easy to use and lightning-fast. By doing so, they were able to create an intuitive user experience that helped merchants to manage their stores, advertising campaigns, and sales reports with ease.

One of the key features that benefited from this approach was the payment processing system, which allowed merchants to receive payments from customers using QR codes. This feature was designed to be as seamless as possible, with just a few taps needed to complete a transaction. The speed of the process ensured that merchants could handle a high volume of transactions quickly and efficiently, without any delays or hiccups.



Goubba Partner - Prototype

2022 version

Live versions