Case study


Maximizing Employee Motivation & Retention: Incentives, Benefits & Rewards for Corporate Collaborators.

Goubba - Fintech startup

August 2022 - Now

My role
Product management
Strategy & Research
Design system
UX/UI Design
Interaction design
Visual & motion design


Designing for Engagement: A Case Study on the Creation of Goubba Corporate's Incentive and Reward Platform

Goubba Corporate is a SaaS tool designed to incentivize and reward (in a variety of way) employees, partners, and customers of corporates.

Corporations could unlock Pro Goubba accounts for their collaborators that offer exclusive deals, discounts, and offers. Additionally, they can send gift cards, either customized or in bulk, from a diverse gift card catalog. Collaborators can also receive direct credits to their Goubba wallet, providing them with more flexibility when spending their rewards.

Goubba Corporate also features a dedicated CMS that helps companies organize their list of collaborators, making it easy to manage and track their rewards program. The scheduling feature allows companies to plan the sending of rewards on special occasions, ensuring that collaborators feel appreciated and valued. The rewarding task program incentivizes collaborators to complete their tasks by offering rewards for their efforts.

02 | Role & Deliverables
As a UX/UI Designer, I played a critical role in the development of Goubba's products from the early MVP stage. Working closely with stakeholders and engineers, I was responsible for overseeing the end-to-end design process, which included defining the initial idea, conducting research, developing strategies, and creating interactive and visually appealing designs.

I also focused on designing prototypes, which helped to test and validate the usability of the products before they were launched. Additionally, I utilized analytics to evaluate the user experience and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, my key responsibilities included developing a compelling user experience, ensuring seamless user interaction, creating visually appealing designs, and evaluating the effectiveness of the products through analytics.

03 | Challenges
As the designer of Goubba Corporate, I faced challenges in meeting the requirements of stakeholders while ensuring a positive user experience, developing a scalable design system, and ensuring accurate implementation by the development team. Through research, collaboration, and communication, I overcame these challenges and delivered a successful design.

04 | Outcome & Impact
The outcome of Goubba Corporate has been very positive. The platform has provided a powerful tool for companies to incentivize and reward their employees, partners, and customers. Some of the outcomes and impacts of Goubba Corporate include:

1- Improved Employee Retention: Companies have reported improved employee retention as a result of using Goubba Corporate. By offering incentives and rewards, employees feel valued and motivated to stay with their companies.
2- Simplified Rewards Management: Goubba Corporate has provided companies with a centralized platform for managing rewards and incentives. This has made the process simpler and more efficient, saving time and resources for companies.
3- Positive User Experience: The design and user experience of Goubba Corporate have been positively received by users. The platform is intuitive and easy to use, which has led to higher user adoption rates.


Corporate partner


Gift-card sent so far


PRO account activation


During the ideation phase, I worked closely with stakeholders to identify the project goals and objectives, as well as the target audience and their needs. We conducted brainstorming sessions to generate ideas and explore different directions for the project.


Corporate app - wireframing & ideation

The design system

The design system for Goubba Corporate provided a consistent visual language through typography, color palette, iconography, and motion graphics. It was scalable and adaptable, documented in a style guide for consistency, and created a visually appealing user experience.


Goubba Corporate design system

Visual design

The clay-morphism style provided a unique and modern look and feel for Goubba Corporate, which helped to differentiate it from competitors and provide a memorable user experience. The 3D elements and minimalist design language combined to create a cohesive and visually striking design language that aligned with the project's goals and objectives.


3 key takeaways

01. Rewards and incentives are powerful tools for employee and customer engagement
02. Design consistency is essential for creating a memorable and engaging user experience
03. Collaboration and stakeholder feedback are critical for the success of any project


Rewards & incentives drive engagement

Rewards and incentives are powerful tools that can help companies engage with their employees and customers. When used effectively, they can boost motivation, drive performance, and increase loyalty.

Goubba Corporate includes a range of reward options, such as gift cards and direct credits, that are visually appealing and easy to access. This design approach helps to create a positive association with the rewards, making them more desirable and motivating for users.



Design consistency = memorable user experience

In the case of Goubba Corporate, design consistency was achieved through the development of a comprehensive design system. This design system included a set of guidelines for typography, color, spacing, and other design elements that were used consistently throughout the platform. By adhering to these guidelines, the design team was able to ensure that all aspects of the platform looked and felt consistent, regardless of where the user was on the site.


Collaboration & feedback = project success

Collaboration and stakeholder feedback are critical for the success of any project, including the design and development of Goubba Corporate. By involving stakeholders and collaborators in the process, the design team was able to gather valuable insights and feedback that helped to shape the final product.

Goubba Corporate - Prototype

2022 version

Live versions